Livraison offerte dès 50€ d'achat

- France Métropolitaine et Corse -

Legal Notice

Identification and publication

This webwebsite is maintained by the company AFTER BEACH, LLC, which has a capital of €4,000, registered in Toulouse under number -81872099700019 - 11 Imp. Aragon 31130 Balma France.

Code APE (Principal Activity Code) : 4791B

N° VAT : FR07 818720997

Publication manager : AFTER BEACH - contact(@)

CNIL (National Commission on Informatics and Liberty) declaration number: -1938918


This website was edited by, specialized in ecommerce. The service is provided by the company WiziShop, registered in Nice under number RCS 503594525 at 8 Avenue Malaussena, 06000, Nice.

Domain name

The domain name is hosted by : OVH - SAS au capital de 10069020 € - RCS Lille Métropole 42476141900045- Code APE 2620Z - N° TVA : FR22 424761419 - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

Intellectual property

All the graphic elements, the structure and, more generally, the content of the AFTER BEACH webwebsite are protected by copyright, trademark law and design law. The AFTER BEACH trademark and the drawings and models of the AFTER BEACH design have been registered with the WIPO by Cabinet Chaillot and are renewed for an infinite period. Any person who collects or downloads content or information published on this website has only a private, personal and non-transferable right of use. The reproduction of any page from this website in a context outside of AFTER Beach. The insertion of a page belonging to AFTER Beach on another website is also prohibited. Similarly, any reproduction or representation of the website in part or in whole is prohibited without the written consent of AFTER Beach and would be an infringement punishable by the articles L.335-2 and following, from the French Intellectual Property Code. The texts, graphics, drawings, logos and photos on this website may be reproduced on paper or electronic media, provided that the name and address of the website are cited and that no commercial use is made of them. Non-compliance with the above provisions may lead to an infringement of copyright, for which the perpetrator may be held civilly or criminally liable.

Protection of the data

Any sale of data belonging to the company AFTER BEACH is strictly forbidden under penalty of legal proceedings.

Internet cookies

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Legal notice updated on 05/04/2022.

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